Unleash Your Brilliance, Embrace Rebellion!

Celebrate the power of your intellect and the courage to challenge norms. Embrace your brilliance, explore your ideas without fear.

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1/ Finding You Life's Task: Return To Your Origins; The primal inclination strategy

For Masters, their inclination often presents itself to them with remarkable clarity in childhood. Sometimes it comes in the form of a simple object that triggers a deep response.

One ....

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What is a normal distribution?

A normal distribution is a probability distribution that is symmetric about the mean, with most of the data points clustered around the mean and fewer data points further away from the mean. The no ....

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You Must Put This Bucket on Your Head, Right Now!

Sooner or later, someone is going to walk up to you with a bucket, and somewhat breathlessly explain how you urgently need to stick your head in it. The bucket will have any number of labels on it: ....

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How To Make Money Online: Who And Why They Make Money Online

Money, ah, the vital elixir of life. It's the magic potion that solves the majority of our problems - hunger, shelter, and clothing. Let's face it; the amount of cash lining our pockets determines ....

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Listen To Me, That God May Listen To You!

I have absolutely no interest in stories. No, that’s not exactly true. The story I will tell you is a brain-boiler, and I like it a lot. The problem rests with the story itself. Ok, let’s narrow th ....

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