From Obligation to Enjoyment: Embracing Power and Genuine Desire

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Rabbit Hole

Games with real consequences are the best for teaching hidden lessons. I have played those games, you have played them too. This is a post that will help us both learn the hidden lessons that we let pass and we learn nothing from. In business, relationships and anything else that involves two or more human beings, this reality holds true. NOBODY WILL EVER FULLY APPRECIATE OR UNDERSTAND YOUR SACRIFICES AND EFFORTS.

I have dealt with different personalities, and after a few interactions, I have come to learn this lesson. I have lost my time, resources and judged people harshly, not because they did me wrong but because I was blind to the truth. This truth is in plain sight and maybe that is why we do not see it at the first, second or third glance. It is somewhere we do not expect to find it.

Do What You Want To Do To Get What You Want To Get And Do Not Do Anything With The Expectation To Get Something Back. Help people because you want to help them, not because you expect something from them. I will give you two reasons why doing this is not only good for you, but also great for the people you interact with.

1. Genuine desire is better than obligation

Do what you want, not for the expectation of receiving something in return.

Have you ever found yourself reluctantly doing something for someone—your boss, girlfriend, boyfriend, or others—solely because you feel obligated to do so? You carry out the task, but deep down, you lack motivation and despise yourself for it. Let's be honest, the outcome is usually far from satisfying. They may even fake their appreciation for your effort, leaving you feeling unfulfilled.

Now, think about the times when you've done something without hidden intentions, simply because you wanted to. I bet you enjoyed every moment and have fond memories of those experiences. That's the power of genuine desire—it makes everything enjoyable, and everyone wins in the end.

When you do anything for anyone with an expectation to get something back, you are courting obligation. Nothing good comes from obligation. When you buy food for a girl hoping to get sex back, obligation. When you discount your clients hoping they will come back later to buy more from you, obligation. When you show up early to work hoping for a promotion, obligation. I wonder why, but I know: NOBODY WILL EVER FULLY APPRECIATE OR UNDERSTAND YOUR SACRIFICES AND EFFORTS.

The girl will probably give you what you want, but it will not be driven by genuine desire. The clients will probably come back, but they will not like it. Additionally, if you had to do something to get something back, then someone else can do something better than you and get something far much better than you. Maybe he takes her to Dubai and you only bought her Mutura etc. Play games whose odds are in your favor, not left to chance.

Power is better than control.

You might get me wrong here, so let me clear some things from the start. Power is the ability to influence the actions, beliefs, or behavior of others. Control on the other hand, is what governments use to regulate the actions of its citizens; police, military, prisons, etc. Power is about future actions, while in control your past actions are used determine your future actions.

Power is cheap, it requires less capital to acquire and maintain. Control on the other hand is not only expensive to acquire but also more expensive to maintain. Think of all the expenses the government spends to keep its citizens in check; salaries, land to build prisons, human capital etc.

Any time you do anyone something with the hope to get something back, you are choosing control over power. If you will not get anything back, you will get angry, disappointed and resentful. You do not need rocket science to you are in the losing end. You spent your resources, time money and effort in doing something you don’t like only to receive nothing in return. I call that Devil’s work.

Contrary, when you do what you want to do and enjoy yourself doing it, you are choosing power. You will feel good, get what you want and as if that isn’t enough, others will see you having a good time and want to join you. Tell me any deal better than that.

Buy a girl food because you want to, enjoy every part of it, she will see you enjoy and will want to experience your joy more.

Give discounts to clients only when you want, enjoy the whole process and they will spend more money to see you enjoy yourself more.

Doing only what you want is always a winning move. The good feeling you get doing such things give you energy to do more. People will see you enjoy yourself and will want to join you. They will do things they themselves enjoy doing and a reward to you and ultimately, you will enjoy every part of it. Can you think of a better deal than that?

So, my fellow Smart Rebels, always do what you want without expecting anything in return. The act itself is its own reward. Have fun, pursue activities you genuinely enjoy, and watch as the world put in effort to be associated with you. By doing so, you'll weed out the parasites—those who seek something from you without offering any value in return. They won't enjoy your company, and they'll walk away. You'll relish every moment of doing what you love, reaping its unique rewards.

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