You Do Not Owe Women a Better Life

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Rabbit Hole

There are things that happen to you and change your mindset forever. Today I will tell you of one such thing. I has changed my life, but not only that. Anytime I share it with people, I always end up being hated more. But none the less, I will still tell you. What’s the worst that can happen?

You do not owe women a better life. Women think they are entitled to a good life, and that you owe them a lifestyle. You actually owe them nothing. This does not mean you treat them as lesser human beings. If one sees your value, appreciates it and they act like you are worth something, give them something. Give without expecting anything back, they will never fully understand to really appreciate whatever you do for them.

To drive this point home, consider how life goes on for both a man and a woman. Girls are born beautiful, they look right and that’s all they have to show. There are at their peak while young, and have not yet established their careers and are often still in school. During this time, they get much attention. Young men and old men are competing for them, and they are ‘out of league’ for many men.

For men, the opposite holds true. A man is not born; he must be made. Unlike women, men start off at zero, and it’s only their pain and sweat that will increase their value. Your average 20 year old boy is nowhere near a 20 year old girl. The boy has a burden of performance to become attractive, unlike the girl. He must work to be fit, to have money and understand how the genders interact with each other.

Now, this is the interesting part. The 20 year old girl is getting attention right, left and center. Even the 20 year old boy is giving her attention, although he only has a little chance with her. The girl is spoilt for choice, and only chooses the best of what is available to her. This makes her get used to the attention and she starts believing she is entitled to what she sees. You cannot blame them, it’s not their fault.

The 20 year old will do anything thing for him to get a chance with the girl, he should sacrifice himself to her. He gives his time, effort, money if he has and everything else he has to the girl hoping for love in return. At the end, the girl is attracted to and ends up with another successful and accomplished man. This man has worked, toiled and gone through pain to be successful. Girls want successful people, they don’t want losers.

If the 20 year old boy spent every waking moment of his life proving himself to women, will he become successful? No. I will give you two reasons for that answer. First, he did not value his own time, energy and potential. Second, the time, money and effort spent on realizing your potential is better spent than on chasing girls.

Coming back full circle, you do not owe women a better life. If you think you owe them anything, even a little bit, you are cashing in your chips a little too early. You will spend all your resources on giving them what they’re entitled to and at the end, you will end up with the short end of the stick. You will have too much of unrealized potential, and, you will not be successful. Therefore, at the end of it all, no woman will want to be seen with you. You do not owe women a better life.

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